Prepare Your Proposal
Speaker Information
- Contact Information (Please provide a second contact, if necessary)
- Biography Maximum 150 words (Do not include a resume)
- Photo (JPEG format, 300 dpi, minimum of 300 px X 235 px preferred)
Speaker Terms & Conditions
Speakers must submit a PowerPoint or PDF by March 10, 2023.
You will be asked to agree to our "Copyright and Reproduction Terms."
For a full list of the terms and conditions applicable to speakers, please click HERE.
Session Details
- Session Title
- Brief Description (Under 30 words)
- Full Description/Abstract
(150-word description and 4–5 bullet points) - Select Presentation Format
- Audience Level of Presentation
- Introductory
- Business / Non-Technical
- Case Study
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Technical (may include code)
- Identify the Track best suited to your session. Additional tracks will be applied as needed by our conference committee.
- AI and Machine Learning
- Business
- Data Architecture
- Data Governance & Data Quality
- Data Literacy
- Data Strategy
- Have you given this presentation before? If yes, please explain when and where.
- Additional presentation information (Books, publications, etc.)
- Audio-Visual Requirements (Any special requirements for your remote presentation?)
- Do you have the necessary approvals from your company in order to attend and speak at the conference?
Presentation Format Options
- Conference Sessions (50 minutes)
- Panel Discussions (50 minutes)
- Product/Service Presentations (30 minutes)
- Tutorials (3 hours)
3-Hour Tutorials
For in-depth educational presentations providing detailed technical information, skills, or methodologies, tutorial speakers receive an honorarium for their participation in the amount of $750 for their half-day session, plus an additional $250 bonus to speakers who provide their final presentation slides by the March 10, 2023 deadline.
5-Minute Lightning Talks
One speaker (only) presenting ideas, solutions, methods, products, research projects, or implementation experience on any topic you like. This is a great way to present ideas to a full audience and has done well in an online format at our previous EDW Digital in 2022.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All content and format suggestions are reviewed by the Program Advisory Committee. Final presentations must be approved to participate. For questions about speaking, please contact Kat Parker, Conference Manager, and Tony Shaw, the CEO of DATAVERSITY and Program Chair, at
Multiple speakers and multiple presentation options may be proposed.